Thursday, 1 April 2010

Teaser Trailer and Poster Feedback

This is our teaser trailer, we showed it to our media class, along with our poster for the film, we gave them a feedback form to fill out once they had finshed watching the trailer and here are the results.
We asked 12 people of the ages between 17-18 and a range of male and females the following questions:
Question One:
 1- Did you enjoy the Trailer?

Question Two:
What part of the trailer grabbed your attention the most?
(Please tick one)

Question Three:
What did you not like about the trailer?

There was two people, who said there wasn’t anything they didn’t like, but there was a variation on what people didn’t like:

- Some Transitions seemed off
- Didn’t understand what was happening
- Slow paced
- Didn’t intrigue/ captivate audience members
- Lot of fading (?)
- The font
- Shaky/ Blurry
- Footage was repeated a lot
- The beginning with the eyes

Qustion 4:
If there was anything that could be different about the trailer what could it be?
Again there was much variation on what people thought could be better about the trailer:
- White coat girl needs more
- More explanation as to what is happening
- Faster/ shorter clips/ pick up pace
- The font should be changed
- Less of the swings/ more clips
- Better quality
- Eyes needs to be quicker

Question 5:
How much does the poster relate to the trailer?
Question Six:
What is the most eye catching part of the poster?
Question Seven:
Is there anything about the poster you don’t like?

Five people said that there wasn’t anything about it that they didn’t like.
There were a few points that people did not like:
- Too bare (but liked it)
- Font is hard to read
- Use the villain on the poster
- Colours are too bright/ distracting
- Kept to simple/ not enough information

Question Eight:
Is there anything you would change about the poster?

Two people said that there wasn't anything they would change about the poster.This is some of the things that people said that needed to be changed:
- The white coat girl more ghostly
- Age certification/ film listings/ more information
- Image of the villain
- Different font
- Text more spaced out
- Tone down the colours
- Spelling mistake to be changed
- Darker background
- The girl in the red coat (?)

Question Nine: Would the film trailer and poster make you want to see more/ find out more about the film?

Question Ten:
Is there anything about either product you would like to say?

There was a range of answers for this question with good and bad points:
- Effective use of non-diegetic sound
- Well made
- Doesn’t give enough information
- Colour is well used and effective
- Good background on the poster
- Effects of the text were good
- Change font
- Colour used well for symbolism

From this feedback we can see where changes need to be made, like the font needs to be changed so that it is clearer, we need more information on the trailer and the poster. We need to vary the clips on the trailer and make them shorter and more fast paced, to keep the attention of the audience.
There was a couple of answers which were not rellavent or that I did not understand, as someone had said we used to much fading, but we did not use and fading transitions when we made the trailer, and when we asked people what needed to be changed about the poster someone answered, 'the girl in the red coat' but did not say what about her needed to be changed.
There was a few people who said that the colours were too bright, but there was enough people who liked the colours to counteract this.
Overall I think if we changed the fonts, and the pace of the trailer, and gave more information that we would get a more postive feedback.

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