Thursday 1 April 2010

Alterations to Trailer

After we got our feedback we decided to make some alterations to the trailer.
We had a lot of comments of the font that we had used on the first trailer, that it was not clear, or that it was difficult to read, so we found a new font on :

Another thing that we decided to do was add in some more titles, because alot of people had said they were not sure as to what was going on, but we still thought that it was a TEASER Trailer so we did not want to give too much away. To solve this we came up with a couple more clues:

Hopefully this will give away some more clues as to what is happening in the trailer.

Another problem was that the clips were to reptetive and that they were too long, so I went back into Adobe Premier Elements, to add the titles and to make the clips shorter, and quicker. I also varied the clips more, and took out alot of the clips of the swing, because there was a lot of feedback saying that there was too much of them.
Once I was happy I exported the trailer, after I did this  I realised I had not changed the contrast and brightness of the clips to create the strong colour balance. So I re-exported it for the final copy. We will be getting more feedback on the final copy of this, along with the final copies of our poster to see if people like the alterations we made.

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