Thursday 1 April 2010

Poster Alterations

Like the teaser trailer, our poster had some constructive feedback, so we decided to make alterations in light of this.
As people had said with trailer the font needed changing on the poster as well, so we used the same font;

I also corrected the spelling mistake that I had made on the first copies of the trailer and the poster.
I made this final poster in the same way I made the first one and I added some film listings and the age certification, people had asked for us to use this on the poster, although when I looked back on my intial research for film posters they do not usual include this.
I tried to make the white coat more opaque and ghost like as this is what people had said was the problem, Tessa suggested that I cut out the faces from the hoods, making them look empty and more creepy.

As Tessa had previously suggested the layering of the two characters over eachother for the magazine cover, I decided to use this to make a second final poster, which will give people a choice, and through my research I found that most films have two or more promotional posters.
I made this second poster in the same way that I have made the previous ones;

We will be taking this for second and final feedback with the trailer.

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