Thursday 1 April 2010

Magazine Feedback

We showed our magazine cover to our media class, 12 students, males and females and an age range of 17-18.

We asked them the following questions:

Question One:
Did you like the magazine front cover?

Question Two:
What did you like about it?

Question Three:
What didn’t you like about it?

Overall majority was pleased with it, but there was a few points said:

- Too crowded
- Not enough colour
- Image didn’t work on the layout
- Layout too simplistic

Question Four:
Would this cover make you want to read the magazine?

Question Five:

What changes could be made?

Seven people said that they would not change anything but there were a few people who said small alterations could be changed:
- Needs to be more enticing/ attention grabbing
- Image could be brighter
- More interesting font

From this feedback we can gather that there is not much about the magazine cover that people did not like, so we will not be making any major alterations as the majority of the people were happy with it.
There was only small things like brighter image, more interesting fonts and maybe a little less crowded that people said they did not like about it.
People liked the colour and the image the most off of the cover, with a few people preffering the text and the layout.

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