Wednesday 31 March 2010

Exsisting Film Posters

To get some ideas for our own poster ideas, I looked at some posters for films that already exsist.

Th first one I looked at was the Twighlight Saga: New Moon teaser poster:

This poster contains the three main characters of the film, the title, and the date, it has practically no film listings. This is a teaser poster, so it is not meant to give much away about the film.
I think this poster works, because the people who this poster is going to target, will recognise the characters and that will grab their attention. These three characters are the Unique Selling Point of this poster.

This is the second poster I looked at, it is the teaser poster for the Batman film The Dark Knight. Again this does not give much away about the film, it does not contain any characters, but the graphic is what will catch people eyes. The Batman symbol will grab the attention of Batman fans and teenage boys (because most boys know the batman symbol), which is who the main audience is for this film.
It only gives away the year the film will be released, not a specific date, keeping mystery about the film. Again it has practically no listings on the poster, but it includes the title at the bottom and a tag line at the top.

This is the poster for the film IronMan, it is the main poster so it has more details on it. It has more film listings at the bottom, and at the top gives you the actors names. It shows images of the characters, the main character being the biggest, and then smaller counter parts have smaller pictures. These are the characters with the biggest parts, and the actors with the biggest names, which are going to sell the film, the Unique Selling Points.
I like the layout of this poster although it is a simple layout it really works to grab the attention of the attended audience.

This is for the film Cloverfield. For this poster they have chosen to use an image of a destroyed Statue of Liberty, this will grab peoples attention because it is a very well known monument.
Along with the tagline 'Some Thing Has Found Us' it will make people want to see the film because people will want to know what has found 'us', using the word us makes it personal which again will make people want to know.
The rest of the poster is really unnoticeable because audiences will focus their attention on the Statue of Liberty, but they have included the title, date and film listings at the bottom.

The poster for The Descent has very little imagery, only the face at the bottom, which is a really striking image, the shaft of light making it look like she is trapped somewhere.
The poster has the title, and a tag line and film listings.
I think this poster is effective because it will catch peoples eye, wanting to know where she is, and 'the descent into what?' it doesnt give very much away, becasue I can't even see a date on the poster. The colour they have used is very effective as well, becasue it makes the girl look very creepy and almost ghost like.

After looking at these posters I have a more clearer idea for what I want to do on my own posters.

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