Monday 29 March 2010

Production Schedule and Production Blog

We took out the parts on our storyboard establishing the house at the beginning with the car driving in, because due to a helper’s commitments we were unable to film these parts. We also removed the scene where the newspapers are falling, because we were not sure how able we were to pull that shot off, as we needed to mock up newspapers and then get them to fall the way we wanted them too.

Tessa was our camera-man and me and Aaron directed where and what we wanted each shot to be.
The filming in the park went very well and to schedule, although it was a rainy day, but we all agreed that it worked with the rain, making the setting look more dreary and dull. We changed some of the shots slightly, due to the realities of the location, but they are not major alterations.
We had to change the date we filmed the other parts, because again of timing and commitment difficulties within the group.
We couldn’t film the close up of the eyes until 10th March, we did this in school and had to film it a couple of times to get the right look , and because we needed it central so that we could edit the eyes to make them red.
We were not able to film the loft scenes together, so Tessa filmed them on her own using her own loft and ladder. She said that it went very well, and I think that the handheld motion of these parts work really well for the trailer, making it seem as if we are taking it from the direct point of view from the character.

Overall I am pleased to say that apart from a few glitches that our filming production went well.

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