Wednesday 31 March 2010

Research and Planning Two

In research and planning two, we created our production company name and logo. We came up with the name ALT because it used all our our initials and also the key on a computer keyboard. Aaron came up with the final idea for our logo.
We brainstormed some ideas for the synopsis of the film, coming up with the idea that a young girl, whose mum has just re-married, and she gets posssed by the Step-Dad's previous daughter, who was murdered in the loft, and the young girl now is trying to figure it all out.
We then looked on the website for the BBFC,
to check what the classification guidelines were before we decided one for ours, we then decided on a 15 rating, because of what the content would be, if it was a film.
Tessa created our film pitch in a powerpoint presentation, and then converted it into video format. She used parts of the synopsis we had written along with pictures to explain what was happening.
Then I looked at what made a film trailer/ teaser trailer, the conventions, what it needed to contain, and the length etc.
I then looked at some different types of teaser trailers, just to get an idea of what they did and to gain some inspiration for our own trailer. The two that stood out for me, was the trailer for The Ring, and the trailer for Panic Room, they are both really different but I really liked  the ideas, and what they had done in the trailer.
I then drew up the story boards, for the ideas we had come up with, I did this on big card, and then I took photos of them, and edited them so they were darker, and added text onto them.
Tessa, Aaron and me then came up with a list of props, settings and cast before we could beging filming, we then set up some dates for filming, and created a production schedule, which some points did get delayed due to personal comitments but the filming went well.
We then got a post-production schedule ready, and had trouble getting our footage onto the computer but managed to sort that out, as all we needed was a FireWire cable, and once we had that the editing went all to plan.
The next thing we are going to do is look at exsiting posters and come up with some ideas of our own.

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