Wednesday 31 March 2010

Movie Magazines: Empire

Empire is a British film magazine published monthly by Bauer Consumer Media. From the first issue in July 1989, the magazine was edited by Barry McIlheney and published by Emap. Bauer purchased Emap Consumer Media in early 2008. It is the biggest selling film magazine in Britain, consistently outselling its nearest market rival Total Film and is also published in Australia, Turkey and Russia. Empire organises the annual Empire Awards which were sponsored by Sony Ericsson until 2009 and are now sponsored by Jameson.

Editor: Mark Dinning
First issue: July 1989

Company: Bauer

This cover again contains all the conventions, and is much more crowded than Total Film magazine.
The use of different fonts adds some depth to the cover, and some diversity, giving the eye somethign to grab hold of.
The image of the joker is a very well known and striking image, and they have chosen the colours to go with it really well.
I really like this cover because it really stands out, and the text works really well with the imagery.

This cover is different to the first one with the way they have arranged the text on the cover. There is also alot of smaller imagery, which can also attract the eye of the reader.
Again they have chosen the colours really well to work with the set of images.
I don't like this cover as much as I liked the previous one because I think there is something a bit dull about it, it is probably the fact that the main text is in a grey colour which doesn't really grab the attention, although it works well, I prefer the first cover I looked at.

This one is really simple, I like the text going straight across the middle of the cover, I think it is really effective, but the colours used are really dull, and not very eye-catching. This one is really plain and it looks scarce and not as crowded or exciting as the others. Out of all of them I dislike this one the least. I think the change of font works as a way of breaking things up but even the image is a dark photo so over all I don't think it is very exciting.

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