Thursday 25 March 2010

Research and Planning One

In Research and Planning One, I have looked at the history of the horror genre, gone over the different types of horror movies throughout the decades. I came to the conclusion in my research that each different decade had its own fear, for example in the 1950's it was alien life and giant creatures, in the 80's this was revised but with better technology and graphics. In the 70's horror movie's were about family and children, The Omen and Stepford Wives etc. Then in the 90's horror movies were about serial killers, and we begun to get Postmodern horror, like Wes Craven's Scream, which depicts serial killing, and many other horror conventions on purpose.
Now, in cotempory horror, our generation is scared of the world ending, and epidemics, films like 28 Days Later, and Land of the Dead.
We also handed out a questionnaire about horror movies, to other students aged 16-18, to gain a perspective on what people like and don't like about horror movies. This will help us decide for our own horror trailer, what people want to see from a horror movie.
We watched a number of horror movies in lesson time, and made a log about what scared us about the film, and what conventions they had used. We watched Gothika, Dark Water and The Shining. My personal favourite was The Shining, because there was something about it that intrigued me. I really like the way it was filmed and the general plot of the film as well. I don't really like slasher or thriller and I don't usually like horror movies in general, but The Shining, I don't think was scary really, I think it was just creepy. I prefer horror movie's based on the supernatural because it doesn't happen in real life. Horror movies about serial killings etc, I can't watch becuase you read about serial killings and homocide in the news.
I also looked at the film industry, to gain an idea of how the film process works, and where my project would fit in to the industry if this was to be done in real life. Our project would fit into all the catergories, as we are deciding the plot, designing the story boards, shooting the clips and editing them together. We are also going to be making posters, and magazine covers for the movie, and obviously the trailer, and then we will be exhibiting it for feedback to people in our target market.
I wrote a textual analysis of the opening sequences to Scream (1997) because it uses so many conventions of horror movies in just the first ten minutes. It is a film that purposefully uses these to create a 'horror movie effect'. He uses conventional shots like the Dutch Tilt, and a setting of an isolated house, and then also using the stereo typical high school girl with a jock boyfriend.
Next, with my group we are going to come up with a Production company name and logo, a film plot and then the story boards for our trailer. Also production schedules and cast lists.

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