Monday 29 March 2010

Film/Teaser Trailers Viewed

As apart of our research we were sent to look up different film and teaser trailers to get an idea of what they do, their purpose and to gain some ideas of what we can do in our own trailer.
At first we just watched general teaser trailers, that were not for our specific genre, this was just to get an idea of what the conventions were, for example, no longer than two minutes, doesnt give much away, usualy short quick clips.
The first one I looked at was the teaser trailer for Disney Pixa's Toy Story 3:

This trailer doesn't show any actual footage from the film so it is a complete mystery, and doesn't give any clue as to what might happen in the film. It's only 1minute 43seconds long, and really only gives you who made it, the title of it and when it will be released.

The second trailer I watched was for Disney's The Princess and The Frog:

Its just over a minute long, and shows the princess reluctant to kiss the frog, so in effect we do not gain much about the film from this trailer. I think it works as a teaser trailer because its so short and it doesn't give alot away.

I then went on to watch the Twilight teaser trailer, because I thought it would give me a better perspective of a film trailer than the animated films.

This really works as a teaser trailer because the clips are really quick and short, the whole thing is only 59 seconds long and it doesn't give away the whole film. If people did not know what the books of this film where about then all you would gain from this trailer is that it is a story of dangerous romance.
I then went on to look at horror movie teaser trailers, to get some ideas for our project.
I watched the teaser trailer for the film Cloverfield, becasue I remeber watching it in the cinema and I remember thinking 'what is actually going on'

All we can gain from this trailer is that something has attacked New York city, this trailer is a bit longer than the others at 1minute 50seconds, but it still doesn't give much away.

I then went on to watch the teaser trailer for The Ring:

I really liked the way the trailer was put together on this one, it is 1minute 33seconds, and even though it tells you about the underline of the film, the clips in the trailer do not really merge together. They are all mixed up together and I think it is really effective to the trailer. There is not alot of sound on the trailer, and what there is, is quite quiet, and I think this adds to the overall effect.

The last teaser trailer I looked at for horror movies, was the trailer for Panic Room:

This trailer really works, becuase I think, it is the lack of sound, at the beginning there is dialouge and then there is only music over the clips. Not being able to hear what is going on in the footage adds a bit of mystery to the trailer, because it disorientates the audience as to what is really going on. At the end it doesn't even give away when the film is coming out, it just says 'Panic Room', so it is really secretive. Over all I think this is a really effective trailer.

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