Thursday 25 March 2010

Questionnaire and Results

We asked 10 people our questionnaire and these are the results:

1) Do you enjoy horror movies?
Yes or No

2) If No, what do you not like about them?
The 4 people who said that they did not horror movies gave the answers:
- Scares me - Cant sleep at night- I don’t like the suspense- They make me feel uncomfortable

3) What conventions of horror movies scare you the most? (tick 2)

The top conventions were suspense, psychological, and murder/death.
4) Please name 2 Horror movies you liked the best, or were the scariest:
This is a list of the films people said:
- Exorcist
- Saw
- Gothika
- Dark Water
- Paranormal Activity
- Descent
- The Grudge
- Haunting in Connecticut
- Last House on the Left
- Dawn of the Dead
- Friday 13th
- Halloween
The film that people had said the most was Saw, Exorcist and Gothika.

5) Which one do you prefer? (Tick One)

These results will help us make decisions about our own horror movie synopsis, and what we would like to include, for example an isolated setting, psychological problems (possession etc), we will try and make the trailer intriguing so that people will want to watch the whole film.

We can also look at the trailers of the films that people have said they have liked all these things will help us into making out trailer what the people want.

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